UploadThingy examples that you can try out
UploadThingy is pretty flexible - it can be customized in all sorts of ways. Click the links below to see some examples of UploadThingys forms.
Default - This is what you get if you just grab the code without any customization.
Title colors and style - Choose the color of the field titles and select different styles.
It'll work with your css - Your site's colors and fonts and other css settings determine what your uploadthingy will look like.
Change the titles - Edit the titles for each field.
Limit number of files per upload - Let your visitors upload between 1 and 15 files.
Show and hide fields - You determine which fields you want to show.
Additional text fields - Add additional custom fields.
Additional dropdowns and checkboxes - Add additional custom fields.
Required fields - Force your visitors to enter information in fields.
Change upload complete text - Change the html that appears after an upload completes.
Redirect after upload completes - Redirect your users to any web page after their upload completes.
Paypal integration - Redirect users to your Paypal payment page after their upload completes. Automatically populate the Paypal payment form.
Title colors and style - Choose the color of the field titles and select different styles.
It'll work with your css - Your site's colors and fonts and other css settings determine what your uploadthingy will look like.
Change the titles - Edit the titles for each field.
Limit number of files per upload - Let your visitors upload between 1 and 15 files.
Show and hide fields - You determine which fields you want to show.
Additional text fields - Add additional custom fields.
Additional dropdowns and checkboxes - Add additional custom fields.
Required fields - Force your visitors to enter information in fields.
Change upload complete text - Change the html that appears after an upload completes.
Redirect after upload completes - Redirect your users to any web page after their upload completes.
Paypal integration - Redirect users to your Paypal payment page after their upload completes. Automatically populate the Paypal payment form.
If you'd like to have us customize your form for you, please send us an email at hello@uploadthingy.com with a detailed description of the additional fields you would like.
We'll get back to you with a preliminary estimate of development costs and timeframe.